Sleepy Time Voice Podcast
Sleepy Time Voice Podcast
SleepyTimeVoice: Bedtime Stories To Help You Sleep - Goldilocks And The Three Bears as told by Katherine Pyle
A story that as we know it was first recorded in narrative form by English writer and poet Robert Southey, and first published anonymously as "The Story of the Three Bears" in 1837; the story of the three bears predates Southey.
It went through various iterations, including versions with an old woman as the feature, a silver haired girl, and eventually the well known Goldilocks. The fate of Goldilocks has been changed time and time again as well.
For this fully family friendly version of the tale we turn to author Katherine Pyle, an American artist, poet, and children's writer, sister of author and artist Howard Pyle.
Pyle told this version in Mother’s Nursery Tales, a collection of stories she published in 1918. Something we will be coming back to again for other classic nursery tales.